Friday, December 20, 2019

Sample package.xml Manifest Files used for ANT tool

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

  <!--ApexClass-->(Represents an Apex page)

 <!--ApexPage-->(Represents a Visualforce page)

 <!--ApexComponent-->(Represents a Visualforce component)

 <!--ApexTrigger-->(Represents an Apex trigger)

  <!--ApexTestSuite-->(Represents a suite of Apex test classes to include in a test run)

  <!--AppMenu-->(Represents the app menu or the Salesforce mobile navigation menu)

  <!--ApprovalProcess-->(Represents the metadata associated with an Approval Process)

  <!--AssignmentRule-->(Represents specific assignment rules)

  <!--AssignmentRules-->(Represents all assignment rules in an object)

 <!--AutoResponseRule-->(Represents specific auto-response rules)

  <!--AutoResponseRules-->(Represents all auto-response rules in an object)

  <!--AuraDefinitionBundle-->(Represents an Aura definition bundle)

  <!--AuthProvider-->Represents an authentication provider (auth provider). An auth provider         lets users log in to your Salesforce org from an external service provider, such as Facebook, Google,     or  GitHub)

 <!--BusinessProcess-->(The BusinessProcess metadata type enables you to display different                picklist values for users based on their profile)
    <members>Opportunity.Sales Process - Partner</members>

 <!--BrandingSet-->(Represents the definition of a set of branding properties for a community, as        defined in the Branding Panel in Community Builder)

 <!--CompactLayout-->(Represents the metadata associated with a compact layout)

 <!--CustomTab-->(Represents Custom Object tab, Web tab and Visualforce tab)

<!--ConnectedApp-->(Represents a connected app configuration)

<!--CustomSite-->(Represents a Salesforce site. Create public websites and applications that are directly integrated with your Salesforce organization, but don't require users to log in with a username and password)

<!--CustomPermission-->(Represents a custom link defined in a home page component)

<!--CustomPageWebLink-->(Represents a custom link defined in a home page component)

<!--CustomObject-->(Represents salesforce standard & custom object)

<!--CustomObjectTranslation-->(This metadata type allows you to translate custom objects for a variety of languages)

<!--CustomNotificationType-->(Represents the metadata associated with a custom notification type. Custom notification types allow you to send a custom desktop or mobile notification via a process or invocable API call)

<!--CustomMetadata-->(Represents a record of a custom metadata type)

<!--CustomLabels-->(The CustomLabels metadata type allows you to create custom labels that can be localized for use in different languages, countries, and currencies)

<!--CustomLabel-->(For individual custom label)

<!--CustomField-->(Represents the metadata associated with a field)

<!--ContentAsset-->(Represents the metadata for creating an asset file. Asset files enable a Salesforce file to be used for org setup and configuration purposes)

<!--CaseSubjectParticle-->(Represents the Social Business Rules custom format for the Case Subject field on cases created from inbound social posts)

<!--CampaignInfluenceModel-->(Represents a campaign influence model used by Customizable Campaign Influence)

  <!--CustomApplication-->(Represents a custom or standard application)

<!--DuplicateRule-->(Represents a rule that specifies how duplicate records in an object are detected)

<!--Document-->(Represents a Document. All documents must be in a document folder, such as  samplefolder/testdocument)

<!--DelegateGroup-->(Represents a group of users who have the same administrative privileges)

<!--DataCategoryGroup-->(Represents a data category group)

<!--Dashboard-->(Represents a dashboard)

<!--EscalationRules-->(Represents case escalation rules to escalate cases automatically if they are not resolved within a certain period of time)

<!--EscalationRule-->(Represents specific case escalation rules to escalate cases automatically if they are not resolved within a certain period of time)
    <members>Case.Case Escalation Rules</members>

<!--EntitlementTemplate-->(Represents an entitlement template. Entitlement templates are predefined terms of customer support that you can quickly add to products)
    <members>Software Support Plan</members>

<!--EntitlementProcess-->(Represents the settings for an entitlement process)
    <members>Software Support Plan</members>

<!--EmailTemplate-->(Represents an email template)

<!--EmailServicesFunction-->(Represents an email service)

<!--FlowDefinition-->(Represents the flow definition’s description and active flow version number)

<!--Flow-->(Represents the metadata associated with a flow)

<!--FlexiPage-->(Represents the metadata associated with a Lightning page)

<!--FieldSet-->(Represents a field set. A field set is a grouping of fields)

<!--Group-->(Represents a set of public groups, which can have users, roles, and other groups)

<!--GlobalValueSet-->(Represents a set of public groups, which can have users, roles, and other groups)

<!--HomePageLayout-->(Represents the metadata associated with a home page layout)
    <members>Channel Manager Home Page</members>

<!--HomePageComponent-->(Represents the metadata associated with a home page layout)
   <members>Channel Manager Home Page</members>

<!--InstalledPackage-->(Represents a package to be installed or uninstalled)

<!--ListView-->(ListView allows you to see a filtered list of records)

<!--Layout-->(Represents the metadata associated with a page layout)
    <members>Account.Site Accounts</members>

<!--MatchingRules-->(Represents a matching rule that is used to identify duplicate records)

<!--NamedCredential-->(Represents a named credential, which specifies the URL of a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters in one definition)

<!--NetworkBranding-->(Represents the branding and color scheme applied to a Community)

<!--Network-->(Represents a Community)
   <members>My Company Partner Community</members>

<!--Profile-->(Represents a user profile)

<!--PermissionSet-->(Represents a set of permissions that's used to grant additional access to one or more users without changing their profile or reassigning profiles)

<!--QuickAction-->(Represents a specified create or update quick action for an object that then becomes available in the Chatter publisher)

<!--Queue-->(Represents a holding area for items before they are processed)

<!--Role-->(Represents a Role in your Organization)

<!--ReportType-->(Represents the metadata associated with a custom report type)

<!--Report-->(Represents the metadata associated with a Custom Report Type)

<!--RemoteSiteSetting-->(Represents a Remote Site Setting)

<!--RecordType-->(Represents a Record Type)

<!--StaticResource-->(Represents a static resource)

<!--Settings-->(Represents the organization settings related to a feature)

 <!--SharingRules-->(Represents the base container for sharing rules)

 <!--SharingCriteriaRule-->(Represents Criteria based sharing rules)

 <!--SharingOwnerRule-->(Represents Ownership based sharing rules)

 <!--SharingReason-->(Represents an Apex sharing reason, which is used to indicate why  sharing was implemented for a custom object)

 <!--SharingSet-->(Represents a Sharing set)

 <!--SiteDotCom-->(Represents a site for deployment)

 <!--SiteDotCom-->(Represents a site for deployment)

 <!--ValidationRule-->(Represents a validation rule)

 <!--Workflow-->(Represents the metadata associated with a workflow rule)

 <!--WorkflowAlert-->(Represents an email alert associated with a workflow rule)

<!--WorkflowFieldUpdate-->(Represents a Workflow field update)

<!--WorkflowRule-->(Represents a Workflow field update)
    <members>Address__c.Update The Address Name</members>

 <!--WorkflowTask-->(Represents an assigned workflow task)
    <members>Address__c.Update The Address Name</members>
